Elk River United Methodist Church offers many opportunities to fellowship as the family of God. In addition to Sunday coffee and donuts between worship services, family suppers are offered most Wednesday evenings during the school year from 5:15 pm-6:00 pm.
Additional fellowship opportunities include a monthly for potluck lunch and special event such as Rally Sunday picnic, a Christmas fellowship event, spring celebration and the summer camping trip.
Additional fellowship opportunities include a monthly for potluck lunch and special event such as Rally Sunday picnic, a Christmas fellowship event, spring celebration and the summer camping trip.
Adult Fellowship Lunch
Adults are invited to join the monthly potluck lunch. These are held the second Thursday of each month at noon. The lunch begins with prayer and celebration of birthdays or anniversaries. Most months, a short program is also included. There is no need to sign up or register-just come! Please contact the office with any questions: office@elkriverumc.org
Dinner Club
Dinner Club is a group of people that get together once a month for dinner. It a great way to enjoy Christian fellowship, meet new people, and visit with old friends too. A group usually consists of 4-8 people. Members take turns hosting dinner at their home. If you do not wish to host at your home, you can work out with your group to use the church or visit a local restaurant. You may join at anytime, but groups generally form in the fall and then groups change in the winter.
Contact Nancy Werner to sign up: rosswerner@izoom.net Cell 763-350-0674
Contact Nancy Werner to sign up: rosswerner@izoom.net Cell 763-350-0674